Last Updated on January 15, 2011 by Tim
WHAI WHAI gives travelers of Europe (currently) the chance to experience cities (Venice, Rome, Florence, Verona and Milan) with stories to lead them around their respective cities. These Italian travel guides begins with players sending a text message to WHAI WHAI, through which difficulty settings, hours of the game, or starting location can be set, after which clues are sent to the player that requires them to have some knowledge of the location in order to reveal where they will be headed. As clues are answered and travelers move throughout the city, the accompanying travel guide provides historical references to provide a backdrop of information for respective travelers to understand the city in a new and exciting way.
WHAI WHAI has an iPhone installment and is working on increasing the number of destinations that they provide guides to. Tourists never go away, and finding out more and more about a city is becoming easier with tools like these guidebooks. But by adding a little fun and questions to help discover cities, WHAI WHAI should be the accompaniment that everyone takes for their next vacation.