Last Updated on April 3, 2014 by New-Startups Team
Some have described it as Siri with a face—the popular Nuji web platform is coming out with their own new mobile app for the acute shopper. Since London-based Nuji launched their website, visitors have flocked to build and browse wishlists and follow top brands or the most prestigious fashion editors. Helping users to find clothing, accessories and home wares, Nuji has been a prominent fixture in the online shopping experience for years.
Now with a soon to be released mobile app the shopping platform is taking all their experience, products and social build and packing it all for use in a handheld. It may be easy to say however that there are already numerous solutions for fashion discovery, well the difference here is the personality behind the experience.
With a description of “Siri with a face” for the apps personal shopper, the application reacts to movements and every sensor on a mobile device. In real time style pick conversations open up and opportunities to be a fashionista all your own is not only possible but can be experienced in a new way.