Last Updated on May 10, 2012 by New-Startups Team
We use a lot of different tools to do various tasks and different platforms to make working easier, but “A better tool doesn’t make a better craftsman, but a good tool makes working a pleasure.” iA Writer is an iPhone, iPad and Mac app that makes writing a focused experience instead of a tools heavy application wonderland. Focused on minimalism, the app – which has already sold over 300,000 copies, finds the pleasure in writing and “lets you keep your hands on the keyboard and your mind in the text.”
The popular Mac based app has now built a network so you can take your writing to any device and not have to worry about transferring files, searching or ensuring the correct content is being used. Designed by Information Architects, iA Writer comes with iCloud and Dropbox integration to ensure as you write anywhere it gets updated on all your devices. But it’s the sheer minimalism of the application that we love.
iA Writer has done what very few apps can do: removed the needless elements so you can focus on the task. Oliver Reichenstein of Information Architects says:
“iA Writer has no preferences. It is how it is. It works like it works. Love it or hate it. Its unique FocusMode allows me to think, spell and write at one sentence at a time. iA Writer is fast; it works without mouse. It automatically formats semantical entities such as headlines, lists, bold, strong, block quotes written in markdown.”
With innovative keyboard extensions, high resolution font experiences, customized text editing and wireless printing, iA Writer is the quintessential and most useful writing tool we’ve used. And now it’s available for all your favorite Apple devices with device connectivity. Get iA Writer for the iPad, iPhone and Mac at the App store.