An influential crowd, brilliant live saxophonist playing in the background, distinguished ladies and gentlemen and a quintessential venue for any event – those were just a few of lasting memories from the sophomore event, Black & Gold, held November 19, 2011 at Toronto’s most prestigious venue , The Carlu by Omega Group. Determined to lead […]
Scoutzie: Find and Hire the Best Mobile Designers
Mobile design is growing exponentially and design will become a key differentiator in user’s choice of apps and platforms. Scoutzie is the place to find best in class designers and to understand the future of mobile design. Scoutzie is a curated community for the best mobile designers in the world. Their goal is to make […]
Totoya Creatures: Turn iPads and iPhones into Huggable Interactive Toys
Kid’s toys have evolved so much since the days of G.I. Joe action figures and My Little Pony Dolls – now tablets and electronic devices are being coupled with tangible toys to make way for a new level of “play time”. Creative agency Carnation Group has just unveiled a genius design that turns your iPhone, […]
CloudFTP: Share Files From USB to Your iPhone and iPad Wirelessly
CloudFTP is a recently successful Kickstarter funded project that is now in production. It is able to wirelessly share any USB storage device’s data with your iOS or Android device. USB devices are the most common ways to store digital media, but getting it to connect with many of the modern technologies is much of […]
Modai: A Smartphone with Replaceable Hardware
Technology and software has come leaps and bounds but yet very few enterprises have put out products that take advantage of sustainability by producing products that rely on upgrades. For instance, when your smartphone hits the age of adolescence (2 years), it’ll probably be time for you to upgrade to a new device to keep […]
StitchFix: Personal Shopping To Your Doorstep
Are you not much for going to the mall, looking for clothes, trying them on, getting back home, not liking it to much and then having to go back to the dreaded mall and returning the item to a snooty sales clerk? If you are, you’re like many others that might want to check out […]
Kontest: Build Contests for Web, Mobile and Facebook
Kontest is a turnkey platform to help anyone create social marketing campaigns for multichannel deployment. The application helps you build contests in the forms of sweepstake, instant win, quiz, poll and photo contest – all in a few steps for use on Web, Mobile and Facebook. Co-founded by Sylvain Weber and Jacinthe Busson, Kontest provides […]
KereKere: Giving Without Expectations
KereKere, is a concept named in Fiji in which a relative or neighbor can request something that is needed and it must be willingly given with no expectation of repayment. What a wonderful sentiment, custom and way of life that hopefully can make its way into every enterprise and local business around the globe. A […]
Sellfy: eCommerce for Digital Products and Social Sharing
Designers, artists, developers, creative’s and anyone else trying to sell their digital products online sometimes are hampered with not knowing how to setup an eCommerce based website or don’t have the time needed to setup their own platform. Sellfy, a Latvian startup, solves the problem for storing and delivering digital goods as well as helping […]
AppGreen: DIY iPad Catalog Builder
Building brand awareness and products using tablet technology can be an expensive venture or filled with many pitfalls for those that aren’t as coding savvy. The team at AppGreen, a Hong Kong based startup (whom “aren’t machines, but build them”), have developed a DIY experience for companies to put together their own mobile catalogs. This […]