If you run multiple businesses or ideas, you probably have a couple of blogs that you update everyday. What if there was one dashboard to help you manage and update all your WordPress websites. ManageWP is just that, a multiple blog manager. ManagerWp helps you manage all your WordPress sites from one dashboard, keeping them […]
Memonic to Bookmark and Take Notes
Memonic is a free online note taking app that aims to be the best web clipper out there, and offers other advantages over other note taking apps like Evernote and Diigo. The application is available for your Android, iPhone, iPad and browsers, giving you a useful tool, no matter what the platform, to capture, organize, […]
Cultera is a new EU based project offering a different take on how t-shirt designs are collected and presented to t-shirt lovers. Through Cultera anyone can submit original t-shirt designs that will then be exclusively sold by Cultera through their product catalog. From which, the designers will earn up to 2 – 4 EUR as […]
Family histories and social media’s that are specific to certain groups are popping up more and more. Zalongo is a place for you to share your life with your family and not your creepy coworkers on Facebook. The web application has a super easy to use interface to help you build your first family website […]
YayTalent is a place for you to find the best designers in your city (currently serving: Baltimore, Greenville, Philadelphia and Washington). Created by Michael Aleo (@MichaelAleo) in order to fulfill a self need of “want[ing] to make something I cared about and would benefit others. It didn’t need to make money, and if I made […]
DealLocator is a location-based group-buy and coupon finding app that aggregates content from the countless deal sites from around the world into the most intuitive user interface we’ve seen. By leveraging existing technologies like Google Maps, and content from international deal sites, Playground-Digital in Toronto has managed to build this robust application for users to […]
Custom Bags HQ
Custom Bags HQ is a full service custom bag printer that prints out more than 100 million custom bags each year in quantities of 250 – 100,000 per order. Custom Bags HQ lets you create custom designs on various plastic and reusable bag designs through a quick and easy online ordering form. You simply select […]
New Brand, New Design, Still Showcasing New Startups and Business Ideas
Looks different. Feels Different. Definitely different. We at New-Startups.com decided to pop open our can of entrepreneurial creativity and show the world what we truly believe our presence to be. We know the large-scale design and structural overhaul is a huge change, but we felt we had to update and improve. And today, we launch […]
Messages for Japan
I had the misfortune of being in Japan on March 11th, when a massive 9.0-magnitude earthquake shook the nation. After the earthquake, incredibly catastrophic results occurred; tsunami waves decimated the northeastern coast of Japan leaving millions in damages and numerous others homeless or injured. I did not stay in Japan for much longer, based on […]
Onavo is an app for your iPhone that compresses your data usage to save you money. While the app is installed and during your normal iPhone usage, the software will compress the background data usage by the other apps currently installed on your iPhone. The application will also break down the data usage of each […]