Learn and Prepare with Friends (LEAP), is world’s first social and free test prep platform. At its core, LEAP is a hybrid learning system that allows candidates to learn both asynchronously and synchronously, with social learning components that make learning a low effort and high motivation game. Learning is a lifelong goal driven activity and […]
Innovative Social Commerce Platform
Sqeeqee (pronounced squeaky) is an innovative social commerce platform that gives individuals, business entities, start-ups, celebrities, politicians, and non-profit organizations the ability to monetize and generate ad revenues from their profiles, socially interact, and increase their overall network on the Sqeeqee platform. Sqeeqee is the first platform to integrate the best features of numerous world-renowned […]
7 Colorful Office Chair Options
It’s important to outfit your startup team with a workable, organized space so that your business operates as effectively as possible. Many standard companies will go with bland, run of the mill office furniture that focuses on usability rather than style. But who needs that! If you’re looking to spice up the place with a […]
Learning Analytics For Your Educational Apps
EnderMetrics helps children’s app developers improve their games by collecting and providing them with in-depth information about the efficiency of their app, how much time children are playing, the level of engagement of the activities and the skills, as well as the dropout rate on each game and each level. With all this analyzed data […]
Online Demand-Based Marketplace
Wantboards is the newest way for buyers to connect with sellers in a demand-based marketplace. Shoppers post a Wantboard, similar to a customized billboard, of exactly what they want. Sellers are then alerted of each Wantboard posting that matches their inventory. Once both parties are connected, the transaction can be completed. The benefits of this […]
Social App For Travellers
Karry is the social app for travellers. Karry’s community connects travelers going to the same place at the same time. The app was founded in 2015 by Kevin Machefert and Martin Gunther. Karryers’ interests go far beyond traveling only. They share a broad spectrum of interests such as contemporary art, fine dining, fashion or private […]
Online Eye Exam
The Opternative Exam is the most convenient way to get a prescription from an ophthalmologist. The exam can be taken from anywhere, at anytime, and a doctor issued prescription can be used to shop everywhere. The exam takes roughly 20 minutes and a digital prescription is delivered in 24 hours or less. How It Works […]
Online Language Exchange
Gamelingu is a platform built to practice foreign languages by speaking with native people while having fun and for free. Gamelingu connects people who want to improve a foreign language with native people around the world through a system of video chat integrated into the browser, so that people can learn and teach each other, […]
Find Your Ideal Sports Coach
Trainers4Me is a unique global marketplace where you can find and book your ideal sports coach anywhere anytime. They are a trusted community marketplace, offering anyone the ability to practice and enjoy sports around the world. The Trainers4Me platform is for people who want to have fun trying out a new sport, progress in a […]
Dribble Client For iOS
Shotsgram is a full-featured Dribbble client; navigate by the works of famous designers with a nice and intuitive interface full of cool features like stats and scores for everyone. Compare your profile’s score with others and see the world through the eyes of the best designers. Get inspired! Features Beautiful feed with all information but […]