Although it originally aired in 1995, there is a scene in a classic X-Files episode titled “Clyde Bruckman’s Final Repose” that I remember to this day. My memory of the entire story is a bit hazy but I do recall that a great character actor named Peter Boyle portrayed “Clyde Bruckman”, an enigmatic but jocular […]
Unbounce provides startups and marketers landing page optimization without IT
Internet marketers and startups hoping to optimize their website’s landing pages can pursue a large number of different avenues. There’s no shortage of developers out there willing to design and deploy exciting new creative and copywriting on landing pages to either launch a promotion or perform A/B testing to find out what combination of imagery […]
Advances in 3D Printing means that you too could have your very own Sad Keanu
3D Printing could emerge as the next big thing in the next couple of years. The concept once seemed so far from the reach of mankind that we collectively accepted the notion of 3D printing as the exclusive property of Star Trek and other Science Fiction. Printing a three dimensional solid object based on a […]
Tracking where your money goes – literally
WalletMap, the expense tracking application, aims to change your expense management and help you understand where your money goes. The premise is simple – whenever you buy something, enter it on your mobile app (currently available for iPhone and Windows Phone). Enter the category of your purchase – clothes, transportation, food, etc. Go to the […]
Forgetful Chef as an example of customer feedback in product development
Tech startups and food goes together like peanut butter and motor oil. Or so I would have thought before doing the research. A quick perusal of this very site actually suggests the relationship between foodies and techies is perhaps stronger than many would assume. For instance, has documented sites like NewGusto, who help traveller’s […]
Discussions with innovators in health
In this conversation, XConnect’s Karim Kanji speaks with Komodo OpenLab co-founder Mauricio Meza. Komodo OpenLab develops inclusive technologies that facilitate the daily lives of people with disabilities. In this clip we find out about how Komodo was started and what problem they are attempting to solve. Komodo OpenLab’s other co-founder Jorge Silva has also spoken […]
Giftly: A new way to send and receive gifts
Whenever a new iPhone or Android app comes out my first thought, I am now ashamed to say, is “what can it do for me?” If I’m going to go through the trouble of purchasing or even downloading a new app I expect for it to enhance my life in some small way. Does this […]
Quinzee helps consumers (residents and businesses) make smarter decisions about energy use to save money and energy. In the following interview Karim Kanji meets with co-founder Faizal Karmali to discuss branding, the problems Quinzee solves and how they will change they way energy conversation works. This video series is brought to you in partnership with […]
HealthAware: Finding a doctor and booking an appointment
HealthAware is a free service online that makes the process of finding a health professional easier along with simplifying the appointment process. Founded by Nikolai Bratkovski, the goal of the platform is to help people find local practitioners, see real-time appointment options and book it instantly. Popular specialties on the platform include chiropractors, physiotherapists, registered […]
Blippar: Helping you high five Barack Obama through mobile augmented reality
Augmented Reality may be turning into a marketing gold rush. Everywhere you turn it seems some latest and greatest innovation has been deployed with the purpose of using mobile platforms and technology to create concepts and experiences that would have quite literally have been considered impossible say.. 15 years ago. The marketing implications and opportunities […]