Last Updated on November 27, 2021 by Guest
Apps provide mobile access to websites, services, and other products. They entertain us and add comfort to our lives. Thus there is no big surprise why apps are more popular now than ever.
As consumers using apps increases, the app market keeps on expanding, including business to entertainment applications. In the Google Play store alone, there are more than 2.8 million apps.
Marketing an app is itself a part of the product discovery stage. Through different approaches, you would arrive at an optimal market fit app, commonly known as product-market fit in the entrepreneur’s community.
Entrepreneurs often ask these questions – What is the ideal approach to progress? How to develop an app that will market itself?
All entrepreneurs need to understand one thing- no app can ever market itself. But there is a catch if you develop an app in such a way that will work exactly like your users are marketing it will help your app to market itself.
Without further ado, read on to know more about how you can develop an app that will market itself.
Place a “Share App” button inside your app
To acquire new app users, you should place a “Share App” button inside your app, and when users want, they can easily share your app with other people. Though I’m certain, you know about this option.
However, app developers or marketing experts are misusing it. They place this share button in someplace that is hard for users to notice and spot their attention. This is the wrong approach. What doesn’t get seen won’t get clicked by the users of your app.
Ask Them!
Let your app consumer do its marketing; after all, mouth publicity is always the best form of advertisement. All you will have to do is ask your app users to share your app.
However, never immediately ask to share the app when people start to use your app. Such an approach of asking them to share or review your app may irk your valuable customer.
Instead, what you can do is ask them to share when your app helps them. Ask them to share only after serving them. In this way, they will be satisfied with your service and willingly share your app along with a good review.
But for this, first, you will have to invest in them, and then they’ll tune in to what in particular aides your requirements.
Another flaw I’ve seen is that the app’s share button doesn’t pursue anyone to share. The button looks revolting and has a propensity for no-one to care if it’s clicked or not.
App designers make the “Buy Now” button more engaging to customers so they will buy, Originators make the “Purchase Now” button additionally engaging clients so they will purchase, but never go through briefly making the “Share App” button look engaging so that users will share.
Your app’s share button should pursue your customers to share. Create this button or pop up as dazzling as possible so that more customers can share your app. As many people share your app in their circle, the more marketing you will have.
Include “Rate Us” dialog inside your app
Most apps don’t have a “Rate Us” dialog. This is another overlooked feature of your app. As with the “share” button, you likewise need to pursue your app users to rate your app so future users who are going through the app store’s search results can know what other people are saying about your app.
And it will assist them in deciding whether they should install your app or the other one, which comes at the top of the search result. Your app needs some good reviews to stand out from your competitors.
Getting verification from your app users saying that it’s truly astounding will help stand out. When you don’t request your users to rate your app, then chances are, just one out of many will rate your app. The most startling thing is that one individual may give you a one-star rating in case of certain bugs.
Individuals whine about bad things more than they acknowledge beneficial things. In this way, to get an extraordinary review and rating for your app, you need to ask your users.
You ought to ask your users whenever they’ve had some assistance using your app. Else, no one will rate an app without getting any value from it.
Avoid getting a one-star review
I know you must be thinking- is it possible to avoid getting a one-star review- Yes, it is. It depends on the way you develop the “Rate Us” dialog box in your app.
Design your app in such a way that it shows a five-star rating system in it. And don’t straight away navigate your users to the app store if they want to rate you. Because first, you will have to understand whether they want to leave a good review or a bad review.
Once a review is done in the app store, it can’t be removed or changed from your end, and if your app gets an excessive number of negative reviews (one star or two-star), then at that point, you’ll struggle to get new installs.
Thus, show a “Rate Us” dialog inside your app and ask the users to drop a review. Adding a review dialog inside your app will help you know whether your users want to leave a positive review (three, four, five stars) or a negative review (one or two stars). Users who give you ratings above only take those users to the app store so that they can finally submit that review.
And don’t direct the users to the app store if they give you one or two-star ratings. Rather, show an input box-field inside your app to reviews and suggestions.
What’s more, when they submit that review, store them in your app’s database. To improve your app’s rating in the app store, you will have to analyze the reviews stored in your app’s database.
And take actions to improve your app from the suggestions you get from your app users. Also, this way, you will have more suggestions for your app to improve.
Authors Bio
Claire Mark ([email protected]) is an investment and strategic planning consultant at Alcor, a global investment bank. She’s best known for her insightful blogs on business growth, startups, small businesses, and investments. Claire also has a good network in the Finance industry, especially the investors’ community. Apart from her work, she loves to bake and go out for gadget-free nature walks.