Last Updated on August 27, 2010 by New-Startups Team
Checkmate is an iPhone App, for $1.99, that helps those looking for a new way to play Foursquare. Checkmate performs your process of checking-in, while you continue playing Foursquare. As an alternative way to play the geosocial game, the App runs in the background of your iPhone, using the phone’s location coordinates processing to automatically check-in Foursquare players into the venue that which they are located.
Once the App has been downloaded you can set specific settings that will allow you to automatically check in to venues, as per your defined list. You can turn on and off auto check-in for your entire list and dictate if you want to share about it on Facebook and Twitter. Checkmate will perform this process anytime your are within 50 meters of a venue on your list.
If you are an avid Foursquare player, this background running application could be an easier way to play the game, without having to whip out your iPhone each time to check in.