Last Updated on February 2, 2012 by New-Startups Team
If your business has worked hard to develop a great product, the best way to make sure everybody knows about it is through a launch event. If you have never planned such an event before, you may be looking for a few ideas on how to plan and market it successfully. The following how-to guide has been compiled to give first time launch event planners an insight into the preparation required.
Decide on a Date
This may seem simple enough, but you need to know that those important guests are able to attend. Conduct a little research by calling key people and getting a few potential dates from them. It is also important to make sure that those involved in the product launch are available on these dates as well so check for any holiday that staff may have booked off to eliminate problems with attendance.
Choose a Venue
Choosing the right venue is crucial; not only do you need to calculate how many attendees you anticipate to ensure the size is right, you also need to make sure that the space you choose is able to help showcase all that the product has to offer effectively. A stage area is always beneficial for product launches so consider this when choosing your venue.
Wherever possible, a trial sized version of the product should be manufactured and handed out for people to take away and try. This is relatively simple when it comes to cosmetics and food, although perhaps a little more difficult with electrical products, software packages etc. If you are unable to offer sample sized giveaways, brand a freebie such as pens, stress balls and key rings with the name of the new product to hand out along with a demonstration of the product. These can be handed out by smartly presented events staff with experience in product launches.
Along with a demonstration and sample giveaway, you also need to make sure that guests walk away with all the information they need about the product. Whilst your demonstration or speech will most likely have covered such information, factors such as noise and other distractions mean your guests could leave the event without knowing all they need to. Easy to read leaflets handed out along with samples are a great way of ensuring the message of your product is understood fully.
By making sure those you wish to target your new product at are kept entertained, comfortable and informed throughout the duration of your launch event, you can increase the likelihood of them investing in your product once it is available to the masses.