How to Prepare for Your First Day in the Office

Last Updated on May 29, 2023 by

You’ve received an offer for your dream role in the office. Congratulations!

Starting a new job is an exciting but intimidating time. It’s especially scary when you don’t know anybody who currently works in the office, and you’re the only new person at the company.

Although intimidating at times, you can do plenty of preparation to make your first few weeks in the office as smooth and simple as possible. Proper preparation will push your anxiety to the side so that you can truly enjoy every moment of the experience.

So, how can you prepare for your first day in the office? Keep reading because we’ve got some top tips for you below!

How to Prepare for Your First Day in the Office

Follow the steps below to ensure your first day in the office goes well, and that you make a great first impression on your new boss and colleagues.

Get your clothes ready the night before

The morning rush is a real thing! Even if you wake up with plenty of time to get ready, you can still find yourself rushing around to get out of the door on time.

To reduce your workload in the morning, it’s a good idea to get your work clothes ready the night before your first day in the office. Your employer should have given you a dress code to follow so you know the kind of clothing that is most appropriate for the office environment.

Most employers prefer you to wear smart attire in the office in case clients or customers visit. However, it’s unlikely that they’ll ask you to wear a suit and tie, and something smart but comfortable will usually suffice.

Professional women’s shirts and blouses, smart pants or pencil skirts, and smart full-toes shoes are great choices. During winter, consider wearing a blazer or cardigan to stay warm while still maintaining a professional appearance. In summer, you might want to wear a long dress and tights to avoid getting too hot in your office space.

Decide what outfit you want to wear for your first day and place it by your bed, ready to put on when you wake up in the morning. Doing so will save you time and worry, so you can arrive at the office on time and stress-free.

Plan your commute

The last thing you want when traveling to the office for your first day on the job is getting lost on route! To prevent any delays or confusion, plan your commute a few days before you’re due to start in the office.

Try to calculate the quickest and safest route to work. Avoid heavily congested areas or roadworks whenever possible.

Although you should plan your route in advance, make sure to check the route again on your smartphone map on the morning of your first day. Your app will display any road traffic accidents or busier-than-usual roads and reroute you to avoid these areas.

Do some deep breathing exercises before you head into the office

Feeling anxious before walking into an office full of your future colleagues is normal and natural. You might feel your heart rate start pumping and your breathing rate increase as you pull up to the office building.

Before getting out of your vehicle or walking into the office, take a few moments to do some deep breathing exercises. Breathe in for four seconds, hold for four seconds, and breathe out for seven seconds.

Repeat this several times to calm your nervous system and slow down your heart rate and breathing rate. You’ll feel much calmer, more relaxed, and more confident walking into the office after using this deep breathing technique.

Be yourself

It’s easy to say ‘be yourself’, but putting this into practice is very different. It’s hard to be yourself completely when you’re speaking to people you don’t know. You don’t know where people’s boundaries lie or their sense of humor, which can make it difficult to relax and converse with your new colleagues.

Despite this, it’s important to be authentic. Remember that your employer hired you based on how you acted at the interview, so they like you for you!

Don’t be afraid to show your personality, have a laugh with your new colleagues, and enjoy yourself. The office is your new workplace for the foreseeable future, so you may as well make yourself feel as comfortable as possible from day one.

Be Aware of Your Body Language

Your body language is mostly subconscious, but you can control some of it. Bring your attention to what your body is doing as you walk into the office or interact with your new colleagues.

Make strong eye contact with others (without being creepy or intimidating, of course). Smile and display open body language to show that you’re approachable and confident. Doing these things will completely transform the way your new managers and colleagues see you in the best way!

Keep Your Phone in Your Bag

It’s tempting to grab your phone when you feel socially awkward or nervous. Your phone can often be a comfort in times of need, making you feel calmer.

However, sitting on your phone in the office looks unprofessional and unsocial. Keep your phone zipped away in your bag and use it only when necessary.

Even if it’s okay for staff to use their phones during the workday in your new office, it’s best to wait at least a few days before you start doing so. Nonetheless, it’s good to observe what others are doing to get a feel for the company culture, as well as what’s regarded as acceptable and what’s not.

It’s also a good idea to ask around the other staff members to see what life inside the office is really like. This will help you to know how best to behave and also offers a bod

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