Last Updated on February 23, 2011 by New-Startups Team
99tests is a Sotware Testing Community. Founded by Praveen Singh, 99tests is building a community of 500+ people. This community will provide a testing ground for software product owners to get feedback and bug reports to adapt their product as they see fit. This large community gives 99tests the ability to offer software owners:
- 24 x 7 testing of their product
- Unlimited number of bug reports in 7 days
- And the opportunity to get genuine feedback
The top tester, judged by the 99tests team, is then awarded a prize for their involvement. This prize gives the testers incentives to offer their time and report notes and have a personal interest in the work they provide. As a result, this gives the software developer a large magnitude of information to make informed decisions before moving forward. This pay for bug testing ground lets software products to be tested amongst a large set of skilled testers within the 99tests community.