Last Updated on August 22, 2013 by New-Startups Team
A cup of coffee isn’t for everyone, and even if it does the additives we put in each cup only help bring up the inevitable crash. Sprayable Energy is a caffeine spray that provides “energy through your skin without the jitters, crash, chemicals, and cost of other caffeinated products.”
Energy drinks are loaded with sugar, sodium and calories while other products have traces of caffeine but are hidden within artificial ingredients. Sprayable Energy, beyond the previously mentioned positives is also odorless, odorless, and does what it intends to do—give you that added pep.
The pocket-sized spray gives you a two-week supply and is self-controlled in accordance to your metabolism. Start using the product with two sprays and keep going up to four if you feel it’s still enough of a boost to get you through the day.
You can get your own Sprayable Energy on their Indiegogo page for $15.