We are taking applications from business owners, entrepreneurs, freelance writers and bloggers looking for business-related guest post opportunities or becoming regular contributor. If you’re looking to get some writing exposure for your website or your client websites, please take a look at our writer guidelines and complete the form below.

Guest Post Opportunities – Business, Entrepreneurship and Technology

Write for us! We’re accepting guest posts for tech, business, entrepreneurship, start ups, motivation and success. Know about business – write for us!  This is an entrepreneurship blog, so guest posts and contributors looking to write for us should stick to those topics.

In exchange for putting your article in front of thousands of readers, we may ask for a mutual cooperation.

Before you fill out the guest post submission form, please keep the following guidelines in mind:

  • Let’s be honest, if you are accepted as a guest poster, the relationship between us is mutually beneficial. I get a quality piece of content that adds value to this website, and you get the exposure that comes with it. Sometimes your article will be written solely to build your writing portfolio, but most often, it will be for SEO value/exposure on your personal website/s and sometimes, it’s for clients who will be offering you benefits (financial or otherwise) for the exposure. Please be honest about your reason for wanting to submit articles. It’s not too hard to spot a link-building company in disguise as a freelance writer, and it’s also not too hard to see when a link in an article is genuine or not so don’t waste your time or mine by trying to be sneaky.
  • Your links must add value to our audience, so don’t insert low-quality content sources. I accept only one do-follow link. Extra links will be evaluated, and if important, they will be tagged as no-follow.
  • I don’t accept fluff pieces. Don’t pitch any “5 Productivity Hacks for Entrepreneurs” type articles. I’ll reject it and, in all likelihood, won’t bother responding or telling you. Not because I’m a pickle, just because I’m busy, and I’ve given you fair warning right here. To be clear, provide value in your article, and we’ll both do well from it. My preference is for your article to be targeted towards a keyword (I presume you understand keyword research) with 300+ monthly search volume in the US.
  • Word count – We require at least 1000 words, preferably 1200 or more, this is required to display a reasonable depth of knowledge of the subject you are writing on and will help rank the article in search engines.
  • Include at least one internal link from new-startups.com.
  • Guest posts need to be tightly focused on our website theme – startups, entrepreneurship, and business.
  • Submit your article as a pre-formatted text file so that I can copy and paste it into the code.
  • Articles are checked thoroughly before publishing, but we’re not gonna edit the thing for you. Triple-check it yourself.
  • We provide images for posts.
  • Guest posts are typically published quickly out of respect for your effort in producing it (we aim for under 48 hours).
  • No promotional posts are accepted other than “Promote You Startup” submissions.

To get started, fill out the form below, and I will generally respond within 48 hours. If you haven’t heard from me in 7 days from now, you have my permission to follow up.

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