Last Updated on December 26, 2012 by New-Startups Team
Procrastination, it can be the crutch used to prevent anyone from finishing. Dreaming of finishing that screenplay, developing your first website or writing thank you cards, coming up with reasons to not do something is easy, but getting through obstacles is what needs to happen. Maybe all that’s needed is a little guidance, support or professionals to get you past a point to get polish off what you really want to accomplish.
Writing a novel is a dream of many, but why can the writing process be so difficult, and what do you do when you get stuck? There are tremendous sets of resources, but Now Novel is an online novel writing process that acts like a firm but fair friend and tells you how to get the job done. An online novel writing course that helps you to finally write your novel. Founded by Bridget McNulty, Brendan McNulty and Dagmar Timler their web application is structured, offers motivation (and achievements) and has a conversational tone for $19 a month or $150 annually. If you’re really stuck and want to get some one-on-one guidance from an expert for $69 you can “call an expert” to brainstorm writing the rest of your novel.
Co-founder Bridget is a published author, journalist and blogger that is continuously asked, “How do you write a novel?” Now Novel is their answer by providing creative writing webinars, forums, motivation and encouragement, step-by-step plot development advice, skeleton guides and much more.
Writing a novel is not an easy task and sometimes its essential to have the assistance and guidance of professionals to get you to published status. The Oprah Magazine calls it the “online novel writing course that’s tailor-made to get you to actually write the book you’ve been thinking about.”